Host Volume
Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett I.b.18(1)
Publication Details
Type of host:
printed book retaining early binding
Title of volume:
Homiliarum €¦ pars aestivalis
Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus ('Officina Eucharij Ceruicorni'), 1537
Binding Information
Binding style:
blind-stamped, panel
Binding detail:
Oldham, Panels, HM.1. On three thongs, rebacked (1971). Two sets of two nails on upper board to seat leather straps, concomitant thin clips remain on lower board. On fore-edge, title written, foot towards lower board.
Place of binding:
London (John Reynes)
Date range for binding:
1537 x 1544
Hosting Information
Number of manuscripts represented:
Number of fragments:
0 (offset only)
Further information
- On front and back flyleaves, extensive annotation, author unidentified.
- Samuel Harsnett (1561-1631), archbishop of York (1629-31).