Host Volume
Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett H.g.2
Publication Details
Type of host:
printed book retaining early binding
Title of volume:
Opera Tertulliani et Arnobii quotquot ab interitu vindicari summorum virorum industria potuerunt … omnia studio et labore Renati Lavrentii de la Barre
Paris: Guilielmus Iulianus (colophon: Excudebat Petrus le Voirrier Regius in Mathematicis Typographus), 1580
Binding Information
Binding style:
blind-stamped, centrepiece
Binding detail:
Light brown calf over pasteboards, rebacked on six thongs by Richard Amer, Lincoln Inn’s Gate, 1971. Large gilt centrepiece, a gilt fillet to the edges. Both boards now detached.
Date range for binding:
s. xvi ex / s. xvii in
Hosting Information
Number of manuscripts represented:
Number of fragments:
Further information
- Notes at the final flyleaves on the preceding volume, by a pre-Harsnett owner.
- Samuel Harsnett (1561 – 1631), archbishop of York, 1629 – 31.