Host Volume
Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett H.f.1
Publication Details
Type of host:
printed book retaining early binding
Title of volume:
Clarissima et facillima in quatuor sacra Iesu Christi Evangelia … scholia
Paris: Carole Guillard (et uidua Claudii Cheuallonii, et Guilelmus Desboys) , 1552
Binding Information
Binding style:
blind-stamped, centrepiece
Binding detail:
Blind fillets of four at outer edge, intersecting, with an inner frame of four with corner fleurons. A blind-stamped centrepiece is a shield with fretted edges.
Hosting Information
Number of manuscripts represented:
Number of fragments:
from one manuscript: 1 (at back) with text, 1 (at front) blank; from another: a tab
Further information
- John, 6th Baron Lumley (1534-1609): S. Jayne and F. R. Johnson ed., The Lumley Library (London, 1956), p. 303 (also noting that H.b.10-13 were in Lumley’s collection; none has manuscript fragments and so they fall beyond the scope of this catalogue).
- Richard Bancroft (1544-1610), archbishop of Canterbury, 1604-10: see J. P. Carley, ‘”A Great Gatherer Together of Books”: Archbishop Bancroft’s Library at Lambeth (1610) and its Sources’, Lambeth Palace Library. Annual Review (2001), pp. 51-64 at p. 57.
- Samuel Harsnett (1561 – 1631), archbishop of York, 1629 – 31.