Oxford: Magdalen College, H.11.4 1
Textual information
[1a] ¦¦mortalis futurus que faceret … dolere et gemitibus mor¦¦
[1b] ¦¦ciunt grauiter delinquentibus … fiat ablucio peccatorum¦¦
[2a] ¦¦remanent et sapor et pondus … Nec tamen concedunt quidam¦¦
[2b] ¦¦ erat panis uel uinum post consecrati[onem] esse corpus … ibi substantiam panis et uini remanere et ibidem¦¦
Material information
Rubricated chapter headings, and two-line lombards.
Further information
Glossing in anglicana, with columns divided in the central reservation into letters every five lines; a pointing face in the outer margin of fol. 1. About six lines of the main text lost at the top of the leaf.
315mm (h) x 220mm (w)