Oxford: Christ Church, Archives, lvi.c.2.2
Textual information
[outside, col. 1] ||faciem illorum nisitu adiuues … Regula de historia. Vidi dominum. incipienda … in crastino ott’ sancti mar [outside, col. 2] cantetur … Benedictus … nos domine et armis tue potencie [inside, col. 1] protege nos semper deus noster … Venite. Hac die incipiatur historia ezechiel’ et legitur usque ad aduentum domini quando de temporali agitur. lc’. I [inside, col. 2] Factum est in trecisimo anno … santuario tuo et de excelso celorum||
Material information
Further information
In the inner margin of the verso of the lower half (i.e. the inside of the inner back cover), an extra stave drawn by a reader in the margin, with notation and beneath ‘Neuma’ (s. xv ex.).
Ker, POB, no. WCh1.
322mm (h) x 460mm (w)