Next Steps for POxBo

This online version of Ker’s catalogue of pastedowns in Oxford bindings was launched on 23rd April 2021. The intention is to build on this, funding permitting. Here are some next steps:

  1. Enhanced searchability — as explained in Search Tips, there are several ways to refine a search within the database. There are some elements which we want to improve (for instance, in the Library filter for Host Volumes).
  2. Combined searching — at the moment, you can search either Fragments or Host Volumes. We plan to introduce an advanced search facility which allows you to combine the two elements.
  3. More information on owners — Ker’s volume included an index of former owners which gave extra information than that in the catalogue. While this information has been imported, it has not yet been made visible.
  4. Date range for binding — in many cases, it is possible to narrow down the date range in which a binding was produced. This is obviously valuable information for understanding the process of dismantling of a manuscript and the plan is to add this.
  5. List of binding tools — while the primary aim of this project is to consider the manuscript fragments, there is a clear use to having as much information about the binding tools available online. The intention is to provide a listing with images and links to relevant volumes.
  6. Enhanced cataloguing of fragments and reconstruction of manuscripts — the longer-term vision is to provide fuller descriptions of each fragment with images, and then to reconstruct manuscripts as Babel items.