Ker Fragment
829: Gesta Johannis Whethamstede abbatis S. Albani
Textual Information
Further Information
See no. 819. Two leaves of this MS. are in Oxford: Bodleian Library, Dring collection, B.54–5; they are numbered ‘146’ and ‘147’ in a medieval hand and contain the complete text of Whethamstede’s ‘Institucio cista communis’ and part of his ‘Institucio magistri operarie’ at St Albans (Amundesham, i. 276–83). Two other leaves among loose fragments at Cambridge: Clare College, contain the process of election of Abbot Whethamstede, a.d. 1420, and a letter from him, ‘Responsio abbatis’, opposing the attempt of the bishop of Lincoln to exercise jurisdiction over the monastery: the heading before the text of the process of election is ‘Cuncta suis annis : Whethamstede gesta Ioh[annis] / Si bene uoluuntur : hic intitulata loquntu[r]’. Photographs of no. 829 and of the Dring and Clare leaves form Oxford: Bodleian Library, MS. facs. c. 24.