Ker Fragment
1731: Liber novem judicum
Textual Information
Further Information
See nos. 1246, 1249, 1728, 1730. Other leaves and strips of leaves of this MS., now assembled in Oxford: All Souls College, MS. 332 (cf. Bodleian Library Record III, no. 29 (1950), 6 and above p. xii), are 2 fos. from an unidentified binding at Oxford: Queen’s College, 4 fos. from Oxford: Magdalen College, Ledger K (1614–22: rebound s. xix), and strips from Oxford: Magdalen College, MSS. gr. 13, lat. 40, lat. 59 (all in rough calf bindings), q.12.2 (Vitellio, Nuremberg 1535, in binding with centrepiece xi and orn. 65), T.13.6 (J. Foxe, Actes and Monuments, vol. 1, London 1570, in rough calf binding).