Host Volume
Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett K.f.11
Publication Details
Type of host:
printed book retaining early binding
Title of volume:
Textus sententiarum cum conclusionibus magistri Henrici Gorichem [sic]
Basel: [Nicolaus Kesler], 1498
Bibliographical reference for printing:
ISTC ip00496000
Binding Information
Binding style:
blind-stamped, ornaments
Binding detail:
Oldham, Blind-stamped, 314, 318 and 307
Place of binding:
Hosting Information
Number of manuscripts represented:
Number of fragments:
Further information
- Robert Benet, monk of Winchcombe: ‘liber dompni Roberti Benet Monachi Wynchelcumbensis’ (top of title-page) and his hand writes his initials and a shield at top of inside of upper board.
- Thomas Skothele, monk of Holme St Benet’s (Norfolk): ‘liber dompni Thome Skothele monarchi holmensis ecclesie precium vs’ (lower half of title-page); the same hand annotates the first pages of the printed text.
- ?Winchcombe Abbey.
- ?John Whitgift(1530-1604), archbishop of Canterbury, 1583-1604: the presence of a tab cut from the same manuscript as used in other printed books owned by him may suggest this was also in his collection, though the tab may not have been added until Richard Bancroft’s time.
- Richard Bancroft (1544-1610), archbishop of Canterbury, 1604-1610.
- Samuel Harsnett (1561-1631), archbishop of York, 1629-1631.