Host Volume
Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett H.f.27
Publication Details
Type of host:
printed book retaining early binding
Title of volume:
Homiliae, sive conciones praestantissimorum Ecclesiae Catholicae doctorum
Cologne: Maternus Cholius, 1569
Binding Information
Binding style:
blind-stamped, centrepiece
Binding detail:
Brown calf over pasteboard; a central panel formed by two blind fillets with gilded fleuron corner-pieces (Pearson, Oxford, tool 62); blind centrepiece (close to Pearson, Oxford , xv or xvi, but note the caution on the international popularity of this design). Front board detached. Slots for cord ties, but nothing left in situ.
Place of binding:
Date range for binding:
?c.1580 x 1619
Hosting Information
Number of manuscripts represented:
Number of fragments:
2 (one a blank)
Further information
- Samuel Harsnett (1561 – 1631), archbishop of York, 1629 – 31.