Host Volume

Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett H.e.45

Publication Details

Type of host: 
printed book retaining early binding
Author of volume: 
Hector Pintus Lusitanus
Title of volume: 

In Ezechielem prophetam commentaria


Antwerp: Petrus Bellerus, 1582

Binding Information

Binding style: 
blind-stamped, centrepiece
Binding detail: 

The centrepiece, though of a common design, appears to be identifiable as one used in the bindery owned by Thomas Thomas of Cambridge: J. Morris, ‘Thomas Thomas, printer to the University of Cambridge 1583-8. Part II’, TCBS, iv (1968), pp. 339-62 at pl. xxviii (centrepiece 6). It is placed within a frame of multiple fillets at the very edges of the boards. Title written horizontally on fore-edge, below that a number ‘8’.

Place of binding: 
Date range for binding: 

Hosting Information

Number of manuscripts represented: 
Number of fragments: 

Further information

  • Tho: Lovell’: his name written at top of first front flyleaf, with notes on following flyleaf (with the ?date ‘1597’) and at final verso of back flyleaf.
  • Possibly the Thomas Lovell who matriculated at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, in Lent Term, 1585. On him (and alternatives), see Venn, AC, iii, p. 108.
  • Samuel Harsnett (1561-1631), archbishop of York, 1629-31.