Host Volume

Colchester: University of Essex Library, Harsnett K.e.31

Publication Details

Type of host: 
printed book retaining early binding
Author of volume: 
Benedictus Pererius
Title of volume: 

Tomus primus. Selectarum disputationum in sacram scripturam…


Venice: 'apud Societatem Venetam', 1601

Binding Information

Binding style: 
centrepiece, gilt
Binding detail: 

On both boards, centrepiece with ‘R’ to its left and ‘B’ to its right, as seen also on Canterbury: Cathedral Library, W/K-3-60. On that volume, and the identification of the initials as those of Richard Bancroft, see James Carley’s discussion. The initials and the centrepiece are all rather worn, and the fillets at the edge of the boards only show signs of any gold on the lower board. Holes close to the edge where ties would have been. Rebacked on four thongs by Richard Amer (c. 1971).c

Place of binding: 
Canterbury or London
Date range for binding: 
1601 x 1610

Hosting Information

Number of manuscripts represented: 
Number of fragments: 

Further information

  • Richard Bancroft (1544-1610), archbishop of Canterbury, 1604-10.
  • Samuel Harsnett (1561-1631), archbishop of York, 1629-1631.